My best friend give some A blog award, Thanks to Taufan This is my first Award. One tips for get traffic to your blog, get some like this.
The Award name is “Perpetual Smiling Blogger”

The rules are:
1. Copy the questions below.
2. Simply use the first letter of your name/nickname as your answer for each questions.
3. You can’t use any answer twice and don’t use your own name for questions no 3 & 4.
4. After you’re done, tag 10 people.
And “The Questions” are:
* What is your name? Anank84
* A four letter word: Ayah
* A boy’s name : Anang
* A girl’s name : Ita
* An occupation : Berpetualang
* A color : Biru
* Something you wear : Kaos
* A type of food : Cap Cay
* Something found in the bathroom : Kaca
* A place : Ambarukmo Plaza
* A reason for being late : Bangun Klo Kesiangan
* Something you shout : Kesuksesan
* A movie title : Resident Evil
* Something you drink : Susu
* A musical group : D'Masiv
* A street name : Depok
* A type of car : Nissan Sky Line
* A song title : Masih Cinta (By Kotak Band)
* A verb : Peace
Very cool, rite? Easy questions but hard enough to get the answer.
Now, the hardest part of receiving an award is tagging another bloggers and giving it as a mandatory. I will give the ward to ?
1. Arjuna
2. Aditya Ramadhan
3. Yoyok
4. Bang Arie
5. Z4ro08
6. Dinoe
7. Reza (D-Code)
8. Boe Dee
9. Vee_Three
Accept the award guys! Do the homework. OK!
NB : buat sobatku aa.Lil aq lupa nulis namamu diatas tapi km tetap dapat award dari aku plend.
selamaaaatt yow... hayo yg di tag jgn malas... hihihi...
thank's yah mas awardnya............
tmbh semangat deh........
maju terus blogger indonesia...........
maksih ya sob,awardnya
sukses selalu
uwaaaaaahhhhh TIDAAAAAAKKKK *teriak LEBAY* aq dapat pe-er yg ini..... oh NO!!!
tp ywdah dech mumpung aq baek hati bungkus ajah dech niy pe-er..... bawa pulang....
dapet award nih...temanya apa'an ni..persahabatan ato yang laen hehhe....
thankz :) buat awardnya...sukses selalu..
wuihhh makasih atas smilenya bro ... segera dikerjakan ... :)
Selamat bro...btw salam kenal yagh...
waduh selamat terhindar dari tugas..hehe
selamet buat yang dapet..
ganteng bgt awardnya, wakakakak
wow..... keren fotonya dengan senyum gigi emas ..kreatif and ubik
Congratz buddy
selamat mengerjakan..hehe
Selamat Bagi Yang mendapatkan Award semoga lebih bersemangat..^_^
award gunanya buat ap seh??????
buat nama kali ya ? (^_^)
Sip bangedhh...
Sumber informasi yang sangat bermanfaat semoga sukses selalu
Okeh nih ganstroke
Dapatkan infomasi seputar Obat untuk atasi Asam Urat
terimakasih untuk artikel yang anda bagikan
Langkah baiknya jika daftar di icmbet dalam kesenangan game online